Summer Updates

We hope everyone has been enjoying their summer! This summer has brought a number of changes for us here at Two Chef Mission, the biggest being the birth of our third child. We have also been working on content to offer you to help simplify life when it comes to the kitchen. This includes kitchen tips, recipes, videos, meal planning tips and allergy help. It has been a goal to be able to help families not just when on vacation, but also when you are home, so that has been our focus the past few months.

While we have taken some time off from deliveries, we have been working a bit more on service offerings we can have for you online! This introduces our Summer Grilling Guide, Allergy Consultations, and Two Chef Mission Meal Plans.

Summer Grilling Guide

Looking to grow your grilling skills this summer? Want new recipes to try out? We created our Summer Grilling Guide, to help you gain the confidence and skills with your grilling this summer! To do this we included grilling and safety tips that will not only help grow your grilling skills, but also keep you safe. We also added in some information and tips on marinades and rubs. Along with all the tips we created 3 menus to enjoy with 3 courses and a bonus recipe in each. While the menus have been put together, you can utilize the recipes however you would like. The guide can be found HERE in our Etsy shop. We hope you enjoy the guide as much as we loved making it!

Allergy Consultations

Over our 15 years in culinary, we have worked with numerous food allergies, intolerances and restrictions. Because of this we have grown our expertise in being able to adjust our menus and recipes to work with families and professionals who are having to work through cooking challenges with these restrictions. From our meal delivery clients to personal chef clients and those we have cooked for during our time in restaurants, we have not met an allergy that we have not been able to help with. With this experience we want to be here for those that may need additional guidance while working through finding out about a new allergy, adjusting your buying habits, and creating a new meal plan that fits. If this is something you need, please reach out to us so that we can talk about it HERE.

Two Chef Mission Meal Plans

This summer we became parents of 3, which for those of you that have kids probably know that means more chaos and having to adjust to the new “normal”. As parents we understand how much is on your already FULL plate, so we wanted to offer something that will help you in an area where we excel, Meal Planning. Two Chef Mission Meal Plans brings together preset menus, an area to customize them, numerous recipes that can be adjusted for serving size, shopping lists that can be edited, an Instacart integration (for U.S. only), allergy substitutions for top 9 allergies, and so much more. We are also working to create a community on the site, but for now will be utilizing our Facebook group Around the Table with Two Chef Mission (If you haven’t joined, please do!). The site will also have some basic allergy resources. This is truly a passion project as we share what we love and comes naturally to us, so that you can have a bit less stress on you. Check it out HERE!

Back to School Meal Planning Survival Guide

Back to school is here, and we know that means school supplies, clothes shopping, and getting back into a routine. Meal planning for that first week is probably the last thing you want to deal with, so we made a FREE meal plan guide for the first week back. If you’re thinking about Two Chef Mission Meal Plans, this is a great way to see how the plans work since we used the same set up for this guide. The guide offers a plan for breakfasts, lunches and dinners for your first week back. These options are of course customizable to which you want to use and how many servings you need. After that you can generate your shopping list that can be edited to your liking. Grab yours HERE!

We’ve definitely been busy this summer but can honestly say we have thoroughly enjoyed it all as we have gotten to get super creative (which is our JAM!). All of these online projects have also allowed us to spend lots of time with our boys playing and getting to know baby sister. We hope you take a look at and try some of these great resources, as we know how helpful they can be. If you have any questions about anything, please reach out to us or post a comment here!

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